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Another relevant approach role expansion theory
Another relevant approach, role expansion theory, suggests that men who undertake a greater number of social roles, such as household management and childcare, are able to access psychological and social resources that are protective for health (Barnett & Hyde, 2001). For example, men who can draw s
Introduction In his lectures on Earth geological age Lord Ke
Introduction In his lectures on Earth geological age Lord Kelvin (Thomson, 1868) estimated by calculations that the birth of Earth took place around 100 million years ago. For this first estimation the Earth was assumed to be originally formed of a completely molten object following the idea of Lei
br Acknowledgments This work was supported
Acknowledgments This work was supported by SENTAN, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). Part of the microfluidic channel fabrication was conducted at the AIST Nano-Processing Facility, supported by the “Nanotechnology Platform Program” of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science
Vigorous development of the domestic analytical instruments
Vigorous development of the domestic analytical instruments and reaching the world-class level are a long-term strategic plan in China. Our research group has been devoted into practical BOD studies over eighteen years with the financial supports from Chinese government [23–30]. In our previous stud
La crisis financiera internacional dio
La crisis financiera internacional dio lugar SCR 7 un caída de la demanda interna y a la introducción de fuertes restricciones al crédito, lo que resultó en un aumento de la morosidad y la necesidad del rescate de instituciones bancarias, lo que ha provocado el aumento de la deuda Pública, que pasa
br Recomendaciones de Pol tica P blica Las transferencias
7. Recomendaciones de Política Pública Las transferencias en México, en específico las condicionadas, han generado pereza fiscal en los responsables de administrar el impuesto predial. Esta situación plantea la necesidad de instrumentar políticas públicas que reviertan esta tendencia inercial. A
br Sin recetas para el crecimiento
Sin recetas para el crecimiento económico Dentro de la economía como disciplina se ha desarrollado un cuerpo analítico de teorías del crecimiento, mismas que parten de modelos y supuestos para explicar cómo y bajo qué mecanismos podría impulsarse el crecimiento del pib, el cual se interpreta como
En las condiciones son diferentes
En 2015-2016 las condiciones son diferentes: el saldo de la deuda del sector público representa 47% del pib (tan solo durante los tres primeros años de la administración Peña ha subido 10 puntos porcentuales); los rfsp ascienden daunorubicin 4.1% del pib () y la balanza global tiene un saldo cercano
El modelo Heckscher Ohlin Samuelson H O S explica
El modelo Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson (H-O-S) explica la ventaja comparativa en términos de diferencias entre la proporción de los factores, sin embargo, ésta no es la única forma de definirla y analizarla. David Ricardo, el creador del concepto de la ventaja comparativa, la explica en términos de la
In a recent paper Montiel and S
In a recent paper, Montiel and Sérven (2008) point out the increasing number of advocates of the notion that the level of the real exchange rate has important effects on growth because it affects capital accumulation. For Bresser-Pereira and Gala (2007) there usually exists a high rate of substituti
Combining Eq with an observation
Combining Eq. (20) with an observation equation (Eq. (15)), we have a state space model with Markov switching:where and Markov states and are independent with transition matrices and , respectively. Therefore, the solution method proposed by Farmer et al. (2008) allows rewriting the MS-DSGE mod
The tests performed through the GMM
The tests performed through the GMM model reveal that the model statistical properties have been respected. The Hansen and Sargan tests, which check if instruments used and additional instruments required by the GMM system are valid, are satisfied. Finally, we also include the Arellano and Bond (199
25-hydroxyvitamin d3 Friedman taught Economics at Chicago fr
Friedman taught Economics at Chicago from 1946 to 1977. At the time when Lucas was a graduate student, Friedman was one of the great stars of the university. Lucas takes the opportunity to praise Friedman on several occasions. According to G. S. Maddala, Lucas\'s PhD classmate: Friedman had not on
In general elderly who represent the fastest
In general, elderly, who represent the fastest growing population, have been shown to be particularly susceptible to burn injuries (Pham et al., 2009). This is due to thinning skin, decreased sensations, mental alterations, or other contributing factors (Pham et al., 2009; Gerstein et al., 1993). Th
One of the overall purposes of
One of the overall purposes of this work was to catalogue the cell types with evidence of rubella infection in CRS cases. This study extends the description of the pathology of CRS by IHC beyond the single previous report of RV infected Silvestrol in specimens from a single CRS case almost 50years a
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