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In sum even though prisons are theoretically a
In sum, even though prisons are theoretically a neutralizing force for health, the varying etiologies of health conditions interact with the prison context differently. Moreover, there is a racialized and gendered health selection process into prison. All inmates are drawn from unhealthy segments of
aa-utp The results of hazard models estimating differences i
The results of hazard models estimating differences in mortality among Hispanic subgroups by region of origin and nativity are shown for men in Table 3. The first two models consider men aged 25–64. Model 1 adjusts only for age and year of interview (unadjusted model), while Model 2 includes socioec
An individual can maintain various
An individual can maintain various social identities simultaneously, and one will stand out among the rest when the combination of personal and situational characteristics propitiate the ‘depersonalization’ of personal identity. Depersonalization “does not insinuate a negative connotation in the sen
This diagnostic system has several advantages over existing
This diagnostic system has several advantages over existing solutions. It only requires a small amount of serum, so blood samples can be taken from a finger stick rather than a venous draw. The paper-based portion of the diagnostic is small, low-cost and disposable, allowing a health care worker to
adenosine triphosphate The sensing element in a biosensor us
The sensing element in a biosensor usually combines an electrochemical probe with an appropriate enzyme thin layer [15,16]. In triglycerides (TG) biosensors [17–19], a usual choice for the enzyme is lipase since its chemical action is to catalyze the hydrolysis of triacylglycerol to glycerol and fat
mandato constitucional al Banco de M xico es
mandato constitucional al Banco de México es procurar la estabilidad del poder adquisitivo de la moneda nacional. El Decreto establece que la Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público () constituirá un fideicomiso en dicho Banco, ask1 inhibitor fin de recibir, administrar y distribuir los ingresos p
Otros determinantes de la fuerte movilidad que pueden enlist
Otros determinantes de la fuerte movilidad que pueden enlistarse son: una centralización económica, política y administrativa en la capital del país, la falta de infraestructura y oportunidades de trabajo en regiones marginalizadas, un menor apoyo presupuestal al campo a partir de los ochentas y en
China no puede ser un ejemplo
China no puede ser un ejemplo de crecimiento para alc por los altos niveles de explotación y las condiciones bajo las que es sometida el promedio de la fuerza de trabajo. Empresas nacionales y trasnacionales cuentan con un escenario inmejorable dentro del territorio chino en materia laboral para ase
br Introducci n En tal sentido la pregunta central
Introducción En tal sentido, la pregunta central del trabajo que motivó emprender esta investigación es la siguiente: ¿La globalización es una variable exegética fundamental o existen otros elementos sustantivos para comprender el grado de desarrollo social y económico experimentado en Latinoamér
Likewise with respect to their increasing shares of world
Likewise, with respect to their increasing shares of world gdp, brics augmented their level of foreign exchange reserves from 1989 to the present day. In 1989, brics accounted for 4 percent of the total foreign exchange reserves in the world; in 1999, their share of the total was 13.1 percent; and f
Studies have demonstrated that unseeded Dacron or Gore Tex g
Studies have demonstrated that unseeded Dacron or Gore-Tex grafts are incorporated in the host blood vessels through a process which is generally referred to as graft healing resulting in endothelialization of the synthetic graft (Pasquinelli et al., 1990). Endothelialization can occur from blood ve
br Financial Disclosures br Author
Financial Disclosures Author Contributions Role of Funding Source Acknowledgments We acknowledge Brain Resource as the sponsor for the iSPOT-D study (NCT00693849). Claire Day and Catherine King (Global Study Co-ordinators) are thanked as is the iSPOT-D Publication Team for their valuable
In ecosystems such as rainforest all species are not
In ecosystems such as rainforest, all species are not created equal. The tall trees are the “foundation species” as they cover the forest to create a unique environment for all other species to thrive (Prevey et al., 2010). It is an interesting question whether a microbial ecosystem in a healthy hum
Disclosure br Psychosis genetics has ploughed
Disclosure Psychosis genetics has ploughed an unyielding furrow. The time for predictions that with sufficient markers the three prototypical conditions (schizophrenia, bipolar or manic-depressive disorder and unipolar depression) will each be found associated with specific chromosomal loci is lo
br Results br Discussion For any
Results Discussion For any new technology a primary concern is safety and reactogenicity, especially for a vaccine that potentially contains powerful stimulators of the innate immune system. In these studies, we saw a correlation between dose and local reactions, but even at the highest dose o
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